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A Savage Nightclub Attack During a Stag Party

Bad things can happen anytime and when one least expects it. That was the case for Neil Topping who was just enjoying his brother’s stag party when something bad happened. True enough, it is not surprising for some stag parties to have such incidents.

Men that simply cannot handle their alcohol well can do crazy things. Still, the assailants did not have to gang up on him. Such a thing can also happen during a hen night, but women usually do not get as violent.

Topping was brought to the hospital severely beaten after the incident. Though he will undoubtedly recover eventually, his brother’s stag do is unforgettable for all the wrong reasons.

How Did It Start?

Neil Topping, 53 years of age, was enjoying his brother’s stag party at a nightclub on King Street, Bliss, when a man bumped into him knocking him to the side. He did have an argument with that man, but the man’s son tried to break the argument by trying to calm them down.

Topping and the rest of the stag group thought that was over since they went on their separate ways and all left the club. However, as their stag group was walking down the street, the man that Topping had an argument with went up to him accompanied by two other men. The argument then continued and a man punched one of Topping’s family members.

A fight then broke out. Topping was knocked out cold and one of the men continued to kick him as he lay on the ground. After that, the three assailants ran away.

Police Investigation

The police did look into the issue and they did not even have such a hard time identifying the assailants as they had their photo taken at the nightclub earlier that evening. Aside from that photo, they also took photos of Topping’s injuries.

One of the officers did say that the violent attack was carried out by three men that had no reason to act that recklessly. The local police will be speaking with the Greater Manchester Police if they don’t find the three men first. The cooperation of anyone that know anything about those men will be greatly appreciated as well.

Hopefully, the three men will get caught soon enough and pay for their crime. Anyone that can provide information can call the local police on 0161 856 5958. Others that wish to leave tips anonymously might want to call Crimestopper instead on 0800 555111.

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