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Veer Off Tradition and Have a Classy Stag Party

It may or may not be what Marx meant as a vicious cycle, but history does tend to repeat itself. What does that have to do with stag parties? It does have a lot to do with it especially when one really looks at the history of how such parties came to be.

Nowadays, most stag parties involve pranks that tend to humiliate or embarrass the celebrant. Though some men would be cool about such antics, not everyone will appreciate it. Stag parties are not meant to be traumatic experiences, but most organizers seem to think that coming up with more outrageous antics will make it better.


As far back as 5th century BC, Spartans were already celebrating such parties. They would have a dinner for the stag on the night before the big day. They’d be drinking, eating, and toasting all night long. There could have been some sort of entertainment as well, but no “fun” at the groom-to-be’s expense.

That tradition actually continued until the 1940s and 1950s. It was not until a few decades after that the usual dinner turned into a “party.” It was during that time that stag groups started to do virtually everything that’s forbidden once the celebrant gets married. Strippers, consuming lots of alcohol, and gambling replaced the dinner and toasts of the past.

Hollywood’s Influence

Without a doubt, most of people’s concept of “partying” is largely influenced by Hollywood and how celebrities party. Movies of bachelor parties served as the “ideal” party for a lot of folks. Though life imitates art and the reverse is also true, the result can be seen nowadays. Some even hit the news due to the nature of such parties and brawls that result from them.

As mentioned earlier, most party planners try to come up with the craziest ideas that does not always take into consideration what the groom-to-be wants. That practice should not continue. That is also true for hen parties.

Back to Basics

Going back to basics does not equate to something boring. The reason why the celebrant’s wishes should be taken into consideration is because the whole event should be his idea of fun. Any activity that he enjoys with his closest buds should make the event fun as it is.

If the traditional dinner and toast is not enough, a lot of stag groups also choose to enjoy certain activities that are not necessarily wild, but they are definitely fun. Popular stag do activities include paintballing, go kart racing, quad biking, and clay shooting.

There are a lot of other nighttime stag party activities to enjoy as well. One does not have limit oneself to pub crawling and literally crawling from drunkenness.

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